Here's the deal: Ohio Governor John Kasich -- just like Scott Walker in Wisconsin -- pushed through a law to severely cut the rights of workers to negotiate their own contracts. It's a job killing bill that will cost public employees like firefighters, teachers and cops their healthcare benefits and pay raises so Republicans can give more tax breaks to the super rich and corporations.
While nationally we were focused on Wisconsin, the people of Ohio -- including many DFA members -- fought back. Over one million voters signed a petition to repeal the law, putting it up for a statewide referendum this November. Now they need our national movement to back them up.
We've put together an aggressive campaign to mobilize over 75,000 DFA volunteers in Ohio. We'll educate voters, identify supporters, and get out the vote this November to defeat the Job Killing Issue 2. We're ready to hit the ground running on October 5 -- going non-stop until Election Day -- but we can't make the plan happen without the resources we need to win.
Please contribute $10 right now to deliver the resources to win.
Our people-powered campaign will be modeled after the massive campaign you helped us build in Wisconsin this summer -- putting staff on the ground to organize volunteers, canvass door-to-door and make phone calls.
Big corporate interests are going to pour money into this referendum, just like they did in Wisconsin. Mother Jones reported that the Koch brothers are holding secret million-dollar donor clubs for their super rich right-wing friends to finance "the mother of all wars" against progressives.
Right-wingers are going all-in in Ohio and we're ready to do the same -- go head to head -- and beat them.
Contribute $10 now to fuel our campaign to win in Ohio.
This fight is this year. It's happening right now. We will win in Ohio and beat back another out-of-control Republican Governor, because you stood up today and helped fuel the campaign.
Thank you for everything you're doing to win.
Charles Chamberlain, Political Director
Democracy for America
Democracy for America relies on you and the people-power of more than one million members to fund the grassroots organizing and training that delivers progressive change on the issues that matter. Please Contribute Today and support our mission.
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