Monday, June 27, 2011

Socialism 2011 in ChiTown July 1-4

Socialism 2011. Revolution in the air! Chicago IL. July 1-4. Revolutionary Politics, Entertainment and Debate.
This event will be held at the Crown Plaza Hotel and Conference Center-Chicago O' for more info. REVOLUTION! 

Friday, June 24, 2011

Union bustin' scumbags need to go!

This is it, folks. DFA's campaign to recall six anti-union, anti-middle class Wisconsin Republican Senators is almost ready to go and it's the biggest campaign we've ever run.

We're going to be on the air with new hard-hitting television, radio and web ads against these six Republicans for their votes to destroy unions and middle-class families.

We're going to be on the ground with a massive canvassing operation that will knock on 137,523 doors in 40 days. DFA Deputy Field Director Nick Passanante is on the ground right now hiring staff for our biggest-ever ground campaign.

And we're going to be on the phones. That's right, we're bringing back our hugely successful Call Out The Vote program with our friends at the PCCC -- plugging in thousands of volunteers from across the country to make calls to voters in Wisconsin.

We're putting together a grassroots campaign because people-power is the only thing that can beat big corporate money -- it's the only thing that ever has. But we can't do it without you.

Please contribute $10 right now to fuel our biggest campaign ever and fight back in the war on working families.

These six Republican senators reminded us last week exactly what's at stake when they voted lockstep with right-wing Gov. Scott Walker to defund Planned Parenthood -- another attack in the Republican war on middle class families.

Wisconsin isn't the only state where right-wing Republicans have launched all-out war on middle class families and we're working right now to organize volunteers in New Hampshire, New Jersey, Ohio and all across the country. But Wisconsin is the first state where we have a chance to go to the polls and recall Republicans.

The Wisconsin recall is our biggest campaign ever -- and it's only the beginning. Join us now and send a clear message to Republicans across the country -- attack the middle class and you lose.

Contribute $10 now to send a message to Republicans everywhere.

On the air, on the ground and on the phone -- that's real people power. Please contribute today and we'll win this fight together.

Thank you for everything you do.


Jim Dean, Chair
Democracy for America

Democracy for America relies on you and the people-power of more than one million members to fund the grassroots organizing and training that delivers progressive change on the issues that matter. Please Contribute Today and support our mission. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Solar Cell Grab Bag | Edmund Scientific

Solar Cell Grab Bag | Edmund Scientific
To fight capitalism with its own sword is gonna be fun. First make your own electricity, take your power back( sorry for the pun :) ). We must learn to go old school on the Corporatist scum ,who only see profit margins. If thats all they see, lets show them of one declining. REVOLUTION!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Come on Florida, Our Cadre' can and will do better!

It has been a rough couple of months for women, children and working-class families in Florida. From a job-killing Governor to an anti-choice state legislature, Floridians are under siege by an extreme right-wing agenda that is crippling the state.
Florida can do better.

The way out of this mess is by electing strong, progressive candidates. That's why I'm so pleased to announce Democracy for America's Tampa Campaign Academy to take place on July 16th and 17th. This is an excellent opportunity to connect with other political activists and learn from some of the top political minds in the country and prep for 2012.

Sign up to join the DFA Tampa Campaign Academy on July 16th and 17th. 

Whether you're a passionate progressive, committed Democrat, potential candidate, or looking to work on a campaign, the mission is clear: to elect candidates that best represent Floridian values. The intensive weekend of training will cover over a dozen topics, from on-the-ground field planning to successful messaging, fundraising and online organizing.

Click here to check out what you'll learn and sign up today!

Tuition is $70 per person, with reduced rates available for students and those with low incomes. The tuition fee helps DFA cover the the cost of the renting the venue, bringing in professional trainers and providing lunch and coffee both days. It also includes a copy of the 2011 edition of the 160-page DFA Grassroots Campaign Manual. Tuition will increase by $10 at the door.

Thank you for everything you do,


Monique Teal, National Field Organizer
Democracy for America

Democracy for America relies on you and the people-power of more than one million members to fund the grassroots organizing and training that delivers progressive change on the issues that matter. Please Contribute Today and support our mission.