Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Activist needed for D.F.A.

With extremist legislation pending in so many states, it is more important than ever that our movement is strong and unified. From bloggers and life-long activists to young leaders, the people powering the progressive movement are more effective when connected.

Netroots Nation, the biggest progressive conference of the year, is an unparalleled opportunity for activists and bloggers from all over the country to engage with and learn from one another.

But it's not free. And some great people can't afford to make it on their own. DFA is committed to sponsoring a diverse group of bloggers -- and activists -- so that they can attend this important conference in June. Do you know an activist in your community who should attend Netroots Nation, but needs help getting there?
All you have to do is answer a few short questions and you can help reward a progressive leader from your community and get them to the biggest progressive event of the year. Your nomination might be the push they need to realize they should compete and let them know they have your support. 

If you don't have someone to nominate, please take a moment to look through all the candidates who've applied for a Netroots Nation Scholarship -- and cast your vote for the best of the best right now.
We've already chosen 40 amazing activists from all across the country. Now it's the final round and we can only choose 10 more progressive leaders to attend Netroots Nation this June.
Your nominations and votes will help decide who attends the conference this summer. So help put your favorite activist over the top. Please take the time to vote today.

Thank you for helping ensure this year's Netroots Nation is a huge success.
- Kaili

Kaili Lambe, Political Campaign Manager
Democracy for America

Democracy for America relies on you and the people-power of more than one million members to fund the grassroots organizing and training that delivers progressive change on the issues that matter. Please Contribute Today and support our mission. 

A re-election plan for Barack Obama


I want to show you a quick presentation I've been giving to the first staff coming on board here in Chicago, outlining our strategy to win and our overall approach to this campaign.

In the weeks and months to come, we'll ask grassroots supporters like you to meet with one another and local organizers to take the first steps to victory on November 6th, 2012.

But before we begin meeting in living rooms and backyards across America, it's important that we communicate with each other about a set of principles for the organization and our overall strategic thinking about how the race will shape up.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Think the New boss is better than the Old boss, think again.

Activists speak out on
FBI raids, harassment 

WASHINGTON—Since last September the FBI has raided the homes of 23 antiwar and political activists, visited their workplaces, and pored over their telephone calls. FBI agents seized documents, computers, cell phones, and passports.
Three of the activists who have been subpoenaed to appear before federal grand juries spoke at a workshop at the Latin American Solidarity Coalition Conference held here April 9-10. They represented the Committee to Stop FBI Repression. All 23 people subpoenaed have refused to testify before federal grand jury hearings, invoking the Fifth Amendment.
Sarah Smith, a Palestinian solidarity activist from Chicago, described a December 3 call she received from the FBI. She had traveled with two Palestinian American friends on a delegation to Israel and the West Bank earlier in the year. The agents asked to sit down for a “friendly talk,” telling her, “You don’t need a lawyer; you’re not in trouble—we just need 30 minutes.”

A Cuban Comrade speaks, everybody listens.

Cuban revolutionary
veteran tours UK, Ireland 
(front page)

LONDON—“What we were defending at Playa Girón was the socialist character of the revolution. Those who fell died defending the socialist revolution,” declared Víctor Dreke, a Cuban revolutionary leader from the historic generation that overthrew the U.S.-backed dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista in 1959 and opened the socialist revolution in the Americas.
Dreke was speaking to 180 people at a public meeting at the headquarters of the National Union of Teachers (NUT) here April 12. The packed event, organized by the Cuba Solidarity Campaign (CSC), was called to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the victory of Cuba’s workers and farmers over the U.S.-organized mercenary invasion at the Bay of Pigs. The final battle was fought at Playa Girón (Girón beach) less than 72 hours after the mercenaries landed.
Dreke commanded two companies at Playa Girón, where he was wounded in battle. The following year, he headed special operations against U.S.-backed counterrevolutionary bands in the Escambray mountains. He was second in command to Ernesto Che Guevara in the Cuban internationalist mission aiding anti-imperialist forces in the Congo in 1965, and headed the Cuban combatants aiding the independence movement in Guinea-Bissau in 1966-68. Over the years he has held various diplomatic responsibilities in Africa and is today president of the Africa-Cuba Friendship Society

All out for May Day May 1st

(lead article / editorial)
All out for May Day
actions across U.S.! 
Defend our unions and immigrant rights 

Militant/Eric Simpson
Laborers International Union contingent at March 26 labor rally in Los Angeles

Build and defend fighting unions! Legalize undocumented workers! We urge workers, working farmers, and young people to mobilize under that dual banner on May Day this year.
It is becoming easier for working people to see that these are both part of one and the same struggle to defend the interests of our class against deepening attacks by the bosses and their government. Both battles are fought under the same watchword—Solidarity in action.
Defenders of immigrant rights joined in the union actions in Wisconsin and elsewhere defending the right of public workers to have unions. A contingent of farmworkers from the Farm Labor Organizing Committee in Ohio joined the “We are one” action in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, initiated by the United Mine Workers union to protest the antiunion campaign in Wisconsin and other states. May 1 actions defending immigrant workers in Milwaukee and Los Angeles are being sponsored by the AFL-CIO.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The gloves have come off , bare knuckles!

Today, we made history in Wisconsin.

WI Democrats -- supported by over 2,600 DFA volunteers on the ground -- submitted over 150% of the signatures needed to demand the recall election of the 5th Republican State Senator: Alberta Darling.

This is unprecedented. In the history of Wisconsin there have been only 4 recall elections ever. Now, in just the last two months, we've legally required 5.

Republicans from Madison to Washington D.C. are watching every single step of this fight and we're not going to let up until we win. With signature gathering continuing for the 3 Republicans left who are eligible for recall, it's vital we keep covering TV with our hard-hitting real people ad. If we hit $600,000 by Friday night, we'll be able to stay on the air in target districts through the end of next week. Please contribute now to make it happen.

Our TV ad, which we created with our friends at the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, features life-long Republican voter Mike Crump.
"As a Republican my entire life I'm appalled at what Scott Walker and the Republicans did. This hurts my family. It's about my kids in school."
Mike is one of the many reasons MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, Lawrence O'Donnell, and Cenk Uygur have all praised our Wisconsin ads. It's also why local activists in Wisconsin have asked us to keep it on TV.

Please watch the ad and contribute now.

Thanks to the support we've had so far from DFA members nationwide, we're closer than ever to flipping the WI Senate and stopping Governor Walker's anti-families agenda.

Working together with our members on the ground, we won't stop until we win. Thank you for everything you do.


Jim Dean, Chair
Democracy for America

Democracy for America relies on you and the people-power of more than one million members to fund the grassroots organizing and training that delivers progressive change on the issues that matter. Please Contribute Today and support our mission.

Dick Cheney does it AGAIN!

Two days ago, a fracking well in Canton, Pennsylvania exploded, spilling thousands of gallons of toxic chemicals over farms, fields and the private property of local families. The chemicals even flowed into a creek that connects to the Susquehanna River.

Unfortunately, because of Dick Cheney's Halliburton loophole for the oil and gas industry, the corporation that runs the well, Chesapeake Energy Corporation, is under no legal obligation to pay for their mess or for the medical expenses of the people that may suffer health problems as a result.

Today, on Earth Day, it is more important than ever that we re-double our efforts to pass the FRAC Act in Congress and hold the oil and gas production industry to the same standards as any other industry to ensure the safe protection of America's drinking water.

Join the campaign to Stop Fracking Now.

For the last two weeks, hundreds of DFA volunteers have been carrying petition sheets to Earth Day events in their communities, going to their neighbors' doors, attending local meetings, standing outside of grocery stores, and asking their co-workers, their family, their friends and everyone they know to sign our petition calling on Congress to pass the FRAC Act this year.

Larry, we set an ambitious goal to gather 100,000 signatures by the end of this weekend. However, I'm proud to say we are close to reaching our goal -- and with your help right now, I know we'll get there.

It's time to hold the oil and gas production industry accountable. It's time to regulate fracking under the standards of the Clean Water Drinking Act and ensure the safe protection of America's drinking water nationwide.

Working together, we will prove that we can protect our communities from the disastrous effect of corporate greed.

Add your name right now.

Thank you for being a part of this campaign.

Let's win.

- Gregg

Gregg Ross, Political Campaign Manager
Democracy for America

Democracy for America relies on you and the people-power of more than one million members to fund the grassroots organizing and training that delivers progressive change on the issues that matter. Please Contribute Today and support our mission.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Barack Obama = Second Term

No Matter What

By Dr. Walter Williams

Can President Obama be defeated in 2012?  No.  He can't.    I am going on record as saying that President Barak Obama will win a second term.  The media won't tell you this because a good election campaign means hundreds of millions (or in Obama's case billions) of dollars to them in advertising.  But the truth is, there simply are no conditions under which Barak Obama can be defeated in 2012.

The quality of the Republican candidate doesn't matter.  Obama gets reelected.  Nine percent unemployment?  No problem.  Obama will win.  Gas prices moving toward five dollars a gallon?  He still wins.  The economy soars or goes into the gutter.  Obama wins.  War in the  Middle East ?  He wins a second term.   America 's role as the leading Superpower disappears?  Hurrah for Barak Obama!  The  U.S. government rushes toward bankruptcy, the dollar continues to sink on world markets and the price of daily goods and services soars due to inflation fueled by Obama's extraordinary deficit spending?  Obama wins handily.

You are crazy Williams.  Don't you understand how volatile politics can be when overall economic, government, and world conditions are declining?  Sure I do.  And that's why I know Obama will win.  The American people are notoriously ignorant of economics.  And economics is the key to why Obama should be defeated.  Even when Obama's policies lead the nation to final ruin, the majority of the American people are going to believe the bait-and-switch tactics Obama and his supporters in the media will use to explain why it isn't his fault.  After all, things were much worse than understood when he took office.

Obama's reelection is really a very, very simple math problem.  Consider the following:    

1) Blacks will vote for Obama blindly.  Period.  Doesn't matter what he does.  It's a race thing.  He's one of us,   

2) College educated women will vote for Obama.  Though they will be offended by this, they swoon at his oratory.  It's really not more complex than that,


3) Liberals will vote for Obama.  He is their great hope,


4) Democrats will vote for Obama.  He is the leader of their party and his coattails will carry them to victory nationwide,


5) Hispanics will vote for Obama.  He is the path to citizenship for those who are illegal and Hispanic leaders recognize the political clout they carry in the Democratic Party


6) Union members will vote overwhelmingly for Obama.  He is their key to money and power in business, state and local politics, 


7) Big Business will support Obama.  They already have.  He has almost $1 Billion dollars in his reelection purse gained largely from his connections with Big Business and is gaining more everyday.  Big Business loves Obama because he gives them access to taxpayer money so long as they support his social and political agenda


8) The media love him.  They may attack the people who work for him, but they love him.  After all, to not love him would be racist, 


9) Most other minorities and special interest groups will vote for him.  Oddly, the overwhelming majority of Jews and Muslims will support him because they won't vote Republican.  American Indians will support him.  Obviously homosexuals tend to vote Democratic.  And lastly, 


10) Approximately half of independents will vote for Obama.  And he doesn't need anywhere near that number because he has all of the groups previously mentioned.  The President will win an overwhelming victory in 2012. 

-  Dr. Walter Williams

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Earth Day , fight against Dick Cheney and fracking.

Last night I had the chance to watch Gasland, along with hundreds of DFA members across the country. The movie reminded me in vivid detail of the consequences of Dick Cheney's loophole for fracking that allows the oil and gas companies to do whatever they want in their pursuit of profit.

For those who are suffering debilitating health problems from the effects of fracking, the consequences are real.

For those whose communities are without safe drinking water, the consequences are real.

And for those like Josh Fox, the director of Gasland, who are wondering if their hometown will be completely destroyed by fracking, the consequences are real.

So we're getting real too by kicking our campaign to pass the FRAC Act into high gear. We'll be collecting tens of thousands of petition signatures at Earth Day events all over the country this weekend!

Will you gather signatures offline at an Earth Day event in your community?

Help us reach our goal by gathering 50 signatures at Earth Day events near you.

If you haven't seen the Academy Award nominated HBO documentary "Gasland" yet, then you might not know exactly how bad fracking really is. Frankly, I thought I knew. Now having seen the movie, it's even worse than I thought. Here's a quick breakdown:

Halliburton, along with other oil and gas companies, has been fracking for years -- completely unregulated by the Safe Drinking Water Act -- and injecting millions of tons of toxic chemical fluids into the ground to break apart shale and release natural gas. Independent Scientists believe these chemicals are poisoning America's drinking water. However, without federal regulation, the E.P.A. doesn't have the authority to even study it -- much less stop it.

That's why we need you.

We're working to build a campaign of over 100,000 Americans fighting to pass the FRAC Act in Congress. This bill would finally close the "Halliburton Loophole" created by Dick Cheney in the 2005 energy bill by ending the controversial drilling technique's exception from the Clean Drinking Water Act.

The oil and gas industry are spending millions of dollars fighting against these common-sense regulations. Let's make sure Congress doesn't fight them alone.

Sign up to gather signatures at an Earth Day event this weekend and get everything you need to make it happen.

As Josh Fox said last night, "People are under siege by an industry that seeks to take over as much territory as possible."

Well, Larry, those people are relying on you and me.

I intend to not let them down. Can I count on you to join me?


Gregg Ross, Political Campaign Manager
Democracy for America

Democracy for America relies on you and the people-power of more than one million members to fund the grassroots organizing and training that delivers progressive change on the issues that matter. Please Contribute Today and support our mission. 

To guarantee life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, tax the rich » peoplesworld

To guarantee life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, tax the rich » peoplesworld
Far too long the rich have been the greedy money ,got the latest gadget and,will have the iphone5 too. Working people must rise up against such crap if we are ever going to be takin seriously.Taxing anyone judges ,county commissioners, police chiefs and other top paid officials should be added to that list. This has gone on far enough time to stand and say "NO MORE". People take mass transit systems and while the bourgeois are the ones getting in the buses way and they are the ones causing traffic congestion.They are the ones who in their fancy cars Mercedes Benz and BMW's, causing global warming.The federal government should tax these people ,on their mileage too. Working people tryin to get home to see their families, relax, then time to go to bed, and do it all over again.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Blood money = Corporatist greed

The Militant Vol. 75/No. 15      April 18, 2011

Los Angeles workers reject
bosses’ ‘blood money’ trade-off

Three communist workers at an aerospace parts plant in the Los Angeles 
area received bonuses totaling $100.14, which they immediately turned 
over to the Capital Fund. The fund helps finance long-range plans to 
build the communist movement.

“According to the company’s formula, two accidents this month reduced 
the bonus, but ‘productivity’ made up for the deficit. How about that 
trade-off!” writes Arlene Rubinstein, who sent in her check and those of 
Ellie García and James Harris.

One-off payments of this kind from employers—safety and production 
bonuses, contract-signing incentives, and the like—are recognized as 
blood money by class-conscious workers. They are bribes to convince 
workers to accept dangers on the job, speedup, and wage cuts instead of 
standing up and fighting for our interests.

Workers who want to contribute blood-money bonuses can do so by writing 
or calling distributors of the Militant listed on page 8.

The Militant - April 18, 2011 -- Our solidarity surprises them

The Militant - April 18, 2011 -- Our solidarity surprises them
We must stick together,question Authority ,this will be our finest moment. Join millions of workers fighting for their rights. Police ,Firefighter/EMS, Bus Operators,public workers of all types. Answer the call, rise up and demand your union rights.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

That was close!

The Federal Government avoided a shut down last night, thankfully a real President was at the helm. To insure ,all government agencies are up and running,and to keep America safe. We needed the government. It saved us from more attacks and makes us safe. We need to make sure our government gets a budget in, raise the debt ceiling. So police hoeland security can do it's job protecting us from evil. REVLOUTION!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Healthy Kids Day planned in Hollywood

Healthy Kids Day planned in Hollywood
The government needs to plan meals for children. To make sure they don't get to much sugar, which is bad for their growing minds and bodies.County government and local ,state should push for this.Who knows better than the government.REVOLUTION!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Teen who survived elevator shaft fall identified

Teen who survived elevator shaft fall identified
After the fall she is a regular teen, and healed quick too. Property owner took steps to insure safety and keep out homeless.Why? This property is just sitting there.I understand ,that some of the parking is used for hospital staff parking,which they get shuttled to Hollywood Memorial Hospital. There is ONE store open GFS food store. This place should be bought by the city or the county and used for public housing. The poor need affordable housing,or a homeless shelter, it's just sitting there

Davie bringing back farmers market

Davie bringing back farmers market
Now to fight corporatism, don't go to publix ,winn-dixie, or walmart. Go to your local farmers market. Your money goes directly to the farmers, not corparations, then the farmers. These are real workers. I hope everybody has a chance to do this. REVOLUTION!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jackson employees in Tallahassee to fight for funds

Jackson employees in Tallahassee to fight for funds
Demand FREE healthcare for all. It's our right. REVOLUTION!

Split over union law reaches Wis. court race

Split over union law reaches Wis. court race
Solidarity with Wisconsin. REVOLUTION!

Obama picks Florida congresswoman to head DNC

Obama picks Florida congresswoman to head DNC
From District 20 in the State of Florida Debbie Wasserman Schultz to head the DNC. All hail Obama! We are now ensured victory over the Republicans. Now after this we must push for more worker friendly laws. A card check state and close shop in all 50 states and common wealths.

No honeymoon for new Florida governor with voters

No honeymoon for new Florida governor with voters
Well Governor Scott welcome to the real world.This isn't the corporate boardroom that you are used to. This is politics. Instead of providing healthcare and jobs, your tea party buddies are at your throat and they want your bald head too. REVOLUTION!

Corporatist greed needs to stop now.

It's annual-meeting season, which means shareholders are about to get their once-a-year look at the pay and goodies given to corporate top dogs as disclosed in company proxy statements.
The multimillion-dollar pay packages will make headlines, but shareholders should also mind the little things. While some perks are merely outrageous because they're given to executives who earn vast fortunes, others have proved to be a sign of executive larceny and lax oversight by a company's board of directors.
Here are eight of the most outrageous perks given to U.S. executives in history -- some long gone and some remaining.
$2 Million Birthday Party
Company: Tyco International (NYSE: TYC - News)
Perk recipient: Dennis Kozlowski
When Dennis Kozlowski's second wife hit the magic age of 40 in 2001 -- only a few months after they wed -- the former Tyco chief went all out. He threw a weeklong Roman-themed party on the island of Sardinia -- replete with scantily clad models, chariots and an ice-sculpture vodka fountain made to look like Michelangelo's David. Tyco, now based in Switzerland, paid half of the $2 million tab.
Tyco also paid for Kozlowski's dog-shaped umbrella stand ($15,000), a gold-plated waste basket and artwork in his mansion -- but apparently not with the company's knowledge or consent. Four years later, Kozlowski was convicted of grand larceny for misappropriating millions in shareholder assets for his own benefit.
Post-Mortem Non-Compete
Company: Shaw Group (NYSE: SHAW - News)
Perk recipient: James Bernhard
Companies are sometimes willing to pay executives vast sums for promises not to compete or divulge company secrets when they change employers. But Baton Rouge-based Shaw Group wants CEO James Bernhard to keep that promise a little longer than normal -- two years past death -- and is willing to pay dearly for his silence in the grave.
According to the company's most recent proxy statement, Shaw will pay Bernhard -- or his heirs -- $15 million (plus interest) when he leaves for his promise not to compete -- even if he can't compete because he's dead.
Company: Tyson Foods (NYSE: TSN - News)
Perk recipient: Don Tyson
Don Tyson retired in 2001, but Tyson Foods was so grateful for his past leadership that it financed vacations for Tyson and his close friends, paid their personal credit-card bills, and allowed him to charge unusual purchases -- such as an $8,000 horse and a $20,000 oriental rug -- to the company.
But perhaps the most objectionable perk was having Tyson company employees clean Mr. Tyson's house and mow his lawn. According to a 2005 SEC settlement, Tyson Foods spent $203,675 having employees clean five different homes owned by Don Tyson, his family or friends. The company, headquartered in Springdale, Ark., also sprang for $84,000 in lawn-maintenance costs for the same five homes.
Flying School Bus
Company: Qwest Communication International (NYSE: Q - News)
Perk recipient: Edward Mueller
Executives are often given the right to use the company jet for pleasure travel, but their spouses, children and friends are usually only allowed to use the plane when they're accompanying the employee. But Edward Mueller demanded an exception to that rule when he became CEO of Denver-based Qwest in 2007.
His employment agreement gave his wife and daughter the right to use the company jet to commute to and from California, where his daughter was still in high school. The phone company expensed $281,182 that year for Mueller family joy rides on the jet and ended up buying his California home for a $1.8 million premium to its resale price, too.
Tax-Free California
Company: Occidental Petroleum (NYSE: OXY - News
Perk recipient: Ray Irani
When Ray Irani moved to California to take Oxy's top job, he was apparently horrified by the Golden State's high income tax rate. So in 1991, Irani struck an employment deal that required Oxy to pay his state income tax bills.
Over the course of the next six years, the Los Angeles-based energy company shelled out $5.8 million to pay taxes for Irani. But the problem with paying taxes for someone is that even the tax payment is taxable. There's also tax on the tax on the tax, making this one of the most egregious corporate perks in America. Occidental, long a target of pay critics, responded to shareholder objections by paying Irani a lump sum of $95 million in 1997 to buy out his contract and rescind the company tax subsidy.
Flying Cash Cow
Company: Apple Computer (Nasdaq: AAPL - News)
Perk recipient: Steve Jobs
In 1999, Steven Jobs was "interim CEO" of Apple Computer, having returned in 1997 to the then-struggling company that had fired him a decade earlier. Directors were so grateful for his leadership and his refusal to accept any cash pay -- he still works for $1 annually -- that they gave him a plane.
A $90-million Gulfstream V is a pretty good perk. It became even better in 2002, when the Cupertino, Cal., company started reimbursing Jobs whenever he used his plane on company business. In 2002, Apple paid $1.1 million in flight-cost reimbursements for his use for the past two years.
Super Security
Company: Oracle Corp. (Nasdaq: ORCL - News)
Perk recipient: Larry Ellison
To say that Oracle's Larry Ellison is security-conscious is a bit of an understatement. He installed a security system at his expansive northern California home, and Oracle, based in Redwood Shores, Cal., pays about $1.4 million annually to monitor it. (To put this in perspective, Qwest pays about $3,000 annually to protect Mueller.)
Few details are available about Ellison's "residential security program," except that it includes "security personnel."
Box Seats 'Til Death
Company: General Electric (NYSE: GE - News
Perk recipient: Jack Welch
Nobody knew what fabulous perks Jack Welch got from GE. The 2000 proxy statement said he'd only received $54,019 in giveaways. In 2001, it was $171,772 -- mainly for financial counseling.
But during a bitter divorce, Welch's ex-wife detailed a multimillion-dollar litany of perks that GE provided -- both before and after Welch retired. Among them: fresh flowers and a wait-staff for his New York City apartment; floor-level seats for Knicks games; a sky box for Red Sox games; and VIP seating at the French Open. Experts say the resulting brouhaha is one of the reasons regulators revamped corporate-disclosure rules. Welch subsequently gave up the bulk of his perks . 
All this must stop. Government must insure working families are not subjected to such greed on the backs of working people. This should be a call for REVOLUTION !!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

China restructures Cuban debt

* Cuba debt to China could be as high as $4 billion
* China has become Cuba creditor of last resort
* China has 'suggested' that Cuba modernize economy
Also rumored that China will be doing the drilling for oil off the coast of Cuba. If Cuba and China team up, Cuba will be a force to be reckoned  with in the future. The Port of Santiago will be refurbished and trade between the two countries was at $1.5 billion in 2009. 

30 years after Reagan was shot, outlook dim for gun control - Issues & Ideas - MiamiHerald.com

30 years after Reagan was shot, outlook dim for gun control - Issues & Ideas - MiamiHerald.com
After Comrade Obama is re-elected, Gun Control for America, assault weapons ban, ammunitions for these weapons and high capacity magazines. A Civilian Security Force for America. The Federal government will protect you from the foreign and domestic harm. The Constitution needs to be voided so we can get on with a New Social Order. Housing, Healthcare, Education, and redistribute wealth for all Americans. Force public transportation on everyone, tax gasoline 75% to support this agenda. We must save the planet and push for equality. Revolution!

Obama declares himself candidate for re-election

Obama declares himself candidate for re-election Comrade Obama will be re-elected to a second 4 year term and move these United States of America to the United Socialist States of America. Rally around Comrade Obama and with Organizing for America, to get the first black president re-elected . Revolution!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Time for Travel Is Now and We Really Mean It - Latin America Working Group

The Time for Travel Is Now and We Really Mean It - Latin America Working Group Open free trade with Cuba and easy travel restrictions now. The embargo is hurt millions of innocent people who have nothing to do with Raul Castro. If push came to shove, The United States made Cuba . Fidel came to Washington to have relations with the U.S. But then Vice President Richard Millhouse Nixon, gave Fidel the nickel tour and showed Mr. Castro the door. Russia was all to happy to befriend Cuba , a base 90 miles from mainland USA. a tactical error.

Communist Party's statement on North Korean nuclear test » cpusa

Communist Party's statement on North Korean nuclear test » cpusa

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Workers in Atlanta allowed to protest.

Grocery store workers win
right to join Atlanta march 

ATLANTA—More than 30 workers from the H Mart supermarket in Duluth, Georgia, participated in the March 24 rally for immigrant rights here. H Mart workers from stores in Suwanee and Riverdale also attended the rally, which was called to oppose two anti-immigrant bills being considered in the state legislature.
Workers became aware of the action through the Spanish-language press and radio and talk in the community. On March 17 workers in the grocery department at the Duluth store started to talk about how to get off work. One worker said, “If we all go together, the manager can’t do anything because majority rules.” Someone else asked, “What will we do if he threatens to fire some people?”
Another worker replied, “If he says that, I will tell him that this is something we have to do for ourselves. The boss has never done anything for us. We are going to the rally to defend ourselves from these laws, which will make our lives more difficult.”
The workers in the department continued the discussion in the following days and agreed to stick together. They decided that if the boss fired anyone, everyone would walk out.
One worker talked to the boss and told him of the plan not to work on the day of the rally. He asked the boss to tell all the department managers that the workers wouldn’t be there. Two grocery workers talked with workers in the produce department.
The day before the rally, the boss called all the employees together and announced that no one would be fired for going, but he said that the Korean workers couldn’t go because he needed them to keep the store open.
In spite of this divisive tactic, workers considered it a victory that so many participated and no one was fired.
Fredy Huinil works in the grocery department at H Mart in Duluth.

Friday, April 1, 2011

CPUSA to host first annual conference » cpusa

CPUSA to host first annual conference » cpusa
Go If you can ,It's in NYC in April , Best Wishes Comrades.

Nationwide Rallies, find one and join in

Nationwde rallies to support workers' rights

04/04/2011 12:00am - 04/04/2011 11:30pm
On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, where he had gone to stand with sanitation workers demanding their dream: The right to bargain collectively for a voice at work and a better life. The workers were trying to form a union with AFSCME.
Beginning with worship services over the April 1 weekend, and continuing through the week of April 4, unions, people of faith, civil and human rights activists, students and other progressive allies will host a range of community- and workplace-focused actions.
Join us in solidarity with working people in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana and dozens of other states where well-funded, right-wing corporate politicians are trying to take away the rights Dr. King gave his life for: the freedom to bargain, to vote, to afford a college education and justice for all workers, immigrant and native-born. It’s a day to show movement. Teach-ins. Vigils. Faith events. A day to be creative, but clear: We are one.
Visit We Are One to find out more about local events in your area.